Each metric tonne of C02 that is removed from the atmosphere by an an offset certificate, is enough to fill up 500 fire extinguishers, or 8 swimming pools, and have the same weight as 400 bricks.
The Institute offers Carbon Neutral Subscriptions which are paid monthly, with no long contracts, so you can cancel anytime. You will receive an Offset Certificate issued in your name each month, with a unique serial number listed on the UN CDM or VCS Gold Standard Carbon Registry, which shows that you are financing UN endorsed carbon removal projects and actively doing something to fight climate change.
1 Tonne Personal Carbon Neutral Plan – 1 Tonne per month
2 Tonne Couples Carbon Neutral Plan – 2 Tonnes per month
5 Tonne Family Carbon Neutral Plan – 5 Tonnes per month
10 Tonne Group Carbon Neutral Plan – 10 Tonnes per month
How much do you need to offset?
You can either use our carbon footprint calculator to work out your exact emissions or use the Global Carbon Footprint of 12 Tonnes per year for people living in western economies. To give you some idea, a University of Michigan study found that the food we eat accounts for close to two tonnes of CO2 emissions a year. The EPA estimates that a typical passenger vehicle emits about 4.6 metric tons of carbon dioxide per year.
With a Carbon Neutral Subscription, you will and receive a one tonne offset certificate every month. This allows you to go carbon neutral based on EPA estimates of 12 tonnes per year for an average person living in a modern economy.
Carbon reduction projects are buying the world the needed to make the transition to low carbon economies.
Verified carbon reduction projects produce Carbon Offset Certificates which are recorded in International Carbon Registries.
They finance activates which remove and reduce greenhouse gasses from the atmosphere.
They are rigorously scrutinized through an international monitoring and verification process.
Carbon Offset Certificates are issued by the Verra, Gold or CDM Registry administered by the United Nations Secretariat. They finance verified projects that reduce and eliminate carbon from the atmosphere. Verified projects earn Certified Emission Reduction units equivalent to one tonne of CO2-e and each has a unique serial number recorded in the UN Registry and displayed on the certificate. Carbon offset certificates finance certified projects that remove carbon from the atmosphere in other parts of the world and are rigorously scrutinized through an international monitoring and verification process. Each certificate represents one metric tonne of C02.
Certificates support a range of projects that include wind, solar, hydro, biomass energy recovery, geothermal and GHG abatement. They not only reduce emissions but also but also drive sustainable development and improved living conditions.
The Climate Change Institute is committed to finding solutions by supporting UN carbon reduction projects that reduce greenhouse gas emissions whilst supporting sustainable development and providing resources to help individuals and organizations take action to lower their carbon footprint.
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