Compensate for your carbon footprint with Carbon Offset Certificates
Financing UN endorsed projects that eliminate carbon from the atmosphere

Each metric tonne of C02 that is removed from the atmosphere by an an offset certificate, is enough to fill up 500 fire extinguishers, or 8 swimming pools, and have the same weight as 400 bricks.

Carbon reduction projects are buying the world the time needed to make the transition to low carbon economies.

Verified carbon reduction projects produce Carbon Offset Certificates which are recorded in International Carbon Registries.
They finance activates which remove and reduce greenhouse gasses from the atmosphere.

They are rigorously scrutinized through an international monitoring and verification process.
Carbon Offset Certificates for verified projects are issued by the Verra, Gold or CDM Registry administered by the United Nations Secretariat. Verified projects earn Certified Emission Reduction units equivalent to one tonne of CO2-e and each has a unique serial number recorded in the UN Registry and displayed on the certificate. Carbon offset certificates finance certified projects that remove carbon from the atmosphere in other parts of the world and are rigorously scrutinized through an international monitoring and verification process. Each certificate represents one metric tonne of C02.

Certificates support a range of projects that include wind, solar, hydro, biomass energy recovery, geothermal and GHG abatement. They not only reduce emissions but also but also drive sustainable development and improved living conditions.
Your subscription supports verified projects that reduce the amount of carbon going into the atmosphere and helps the Institute to continue its work.

Your support enables the Institute to develop GHG accounting tutorials and resources to small sized companies for measuring and reducing their carbon emissions. Businesses are responsible for a large amount of emissions, so can make an impact by providing assistance for their transition to carbon neutrality and more climate friendly practices.

Your subscription helps pay for running the information network and develop ways for individuals and businesses to reduce their carbon footprint. We provide accessible tools and knowledge to help people calculate their carbon emissions and take steps towards becoming carbon neutral. To make informed choices that contribute to a more sustainable future.

We can leverage our extensive social media network to publish crucial climate mitigation information to a vast audience daily. By raising awareness and promoting climate advocacy, we create a collective action. Your support helps amplify our voice in the fight against climate change, making sure that the urgency of the issue is heard and acted upon.
The Climate Change Institute is committed to finding solutions by supporting UN carbon reduction projects that reduce greenhouse gas emissions whilst supporting sustainable development and providing resources to help individuals and organizations take action to lower their carbon footprint.
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